Friday, November 12, 2010

Internet Tips for Home Buyers

Save time and stress when using the Internet to find your next home.
The internet has made it much easier for people search for homes and Real Estate information than ever before however the sheer volume of information can make it difficult to use the internet effectively.
There are few free technologies and tips that can make can a big difference in your experience while researching Real Estate online.
First is Google’s email solution which is Go and set up a new email account before you start your search and use this email to sign up for Real Estate sites and to have listings delivered to. This will keep all of your Real Estate information in one place and keep it from interrupting your business or personal email.

In addition to the free email Gmail also supplies you with a free telephone from within your account which allows you to make calls to anywhere in the United States and still keep your home and cellular phone number private.

There is also another free service that can help you in your Real Estate search which is Google Alerts. These are included in your Gmail account and can be set to deliver any keyword information you choose to your Gmail account on a daily basis such as “Levittown Homes For Sale".

If you are going to use the Google search engine to search for homes be sure to click the advanced search link to the right of the Google Search Bar which will allow you to pinpoint exactly what you are looking for in your searches and just as importantly what you are not.

It’s very important to know what your credit report looks like as you begin to look for Real Estate and unlike free credit report .com which is anything but free is actually a free site created by the three major search engines where you can get copies of all three of your credit reports at no charge and with no credit card required once a year.

A final tip that can save you hours while searching online is when visiting popular Real Estate sites like or to review properties try right clicking on the property and then click open in new tab or window. This will allow you to look at multiple properties at the same time and keep your search results open so you don’t have to use the back arrow to try to find the list of properties you just pulled up.

Using these free technologies will help make your online Real Estate search much more productive and limit the time and stress associated with trying to negotiate the internet.

Contact The Mortgage Mark with any questions!

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